Yoonwoo (윤우) is a South Korean singer and a member of the K-pop boy group TRENDZ under Global H Media.
Yoonwoo (TRENDZ) Profile
Stage Name | Yoonwoo (윤우) |
Birth Name | Lee Choonghyun (이충현) |
Occupation | Singer |
Birthday | August 28, 2000 |
Active Years | 2017–present |
Age | 24 (in 2025) |
Zodiac Sign | Virgo |
Height | 185 cm (6’0″) |
Weight | N/A |
Nationality | Korean |
Blood Type | B |
Yoonwoo (TRENDZ) Facts:
– He is a Vocalist and Visual in TRENDZ.
– He likes chocolate.
– He graduated from Jamil High School.
– His favorite song is ‘Breakdown’ from their album “BLUE SET CHAPTER. [UNKNOWN CØDE]”.
– He speaks English fluently.
– He loves movies of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
– He used to work at a cafe.
– His role model is BTS’ V.
– His stage name is a combination of Yoon, which means ‘sun’ and Woo, which means ‘connect’ together it means ‘to shed light on TRENDZ’.
Streaming Platform Links
Genie | Spotify Playlist | Bugs | Melon
Yoonwoo Photos
Note: How did you get to know Yoonwoo? Mention your story in the comments section and also share more facts with us if you know!
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