Ryushin (リュウシン) is a Japanese singer and a member of the boy group PSYCHIC FEVER from EXILE TRIBE.
Ryushin (PSYCHIC FEVER) Profile
Stage Name | Ryushin (リュウシン) |
Birth Name | Handa Ryushin (半田龍臣) |
Occupation | Singer |
Birthday | December 1, 2001 |
Active Years | 2019–present |
Age | 23 (in 2025) |
Zodiac Sign | Sagittarius |
Height | 171 cm (5’6″) |
Weight | N/A |
Nationality | Japanese |
Blood Type | N/A |
MBTI | N/A |
Ryushin (PSYCHIC FEVER) Facts:
– He was born in Kanagawa, Japan.
– He wants to work as an actor.
– He started dancing in kindergarten and attended dancer RIEHATA’s studio during his youth.
– He took lessons in baseball and judo as a child, and thought of a career in one of the three fields.
– He describes himself as “stubborn” and is known as the mood maker of the group.
– He likes taking care of his skin.
– He has been dancing since his primary school years.
– He is the performer and vocalist in the group PSYCHIC FEVER from EXILE TRIBE.
– He started attending EXPG Tokyo through an audition for scholarship students in 2017.
– He developed cute poses and learned how to appear cute to appeal to fans in countries where idol culture is popular.
– His interests include fashion, music, games, and beauty.
– He was a student at RIEHATA’s dance school and part of the dance team “RIEHATATATOKYO”.
– According to JIMMY, he is like a cheerful mascot character and has laugh and quirks that are easy to imitate.
Ryushin photos
Note: How did you get to know Ryushin? Mention your story in the comments section and also share more facts with us if you know!