DPR ARTIC, originally known as Kim Yongwoo, is a South Korean K-pop producer under the Dream Perfect Regime (DPR). He made his debut on February 2nd, 2024 with the EP Single, “Do Or Die ft. DPR IAN”.
Stage Name | ARTIC |
Birth Name | Kim Yongwoo (김용우) |
Occupation | Producer |
Birthday | November 6, 1991 |
Active Years | 2023–present |
Age | 32 (in 2024) |
Zodiac Sign | Scorpio |
Height | 185 cm (6’0”) |
Weight | N/A |
Nationality | South Korean |
Blood Type | N/A |
MBTI | N/A |
– He has several tattoos made by vasak and mymomliketattoo.
– He’s a Techno DJ independently.
– He enjoys playing Football.
– He mostly uses iPhone 7 or 8.
– He used his real name, Yongwoo before adopting the stage name DPR ARTIC.
– He was formerly active in clubs before joining DPR like Output Busan and Clubfaze.
– He has credits as a producer on the showcase 001, 002, and 003, Set It Off feat. DPR CLINE, and SYNC.
– He has performed at Lollapalooza 2023, DPR WORLD TOUR, HITC 2023, Asian Sound Syndicate Festival 2019, Jakarta, and Cult of Ya Fest Paris with DPR IAN.
– He has been in DPR since 2019 but was officially announced as one on December 22nd, 2023.
– He has performed with DPR CREAM in Seoul at the Regime Tour Finale in 2023.
– He signed under DPR after his CTYL tour.
– He started using the stage name ARTIC in 2018.
– He performed with DPR for the first time at Festival 2019 in LA, performing “Head In The Clouds”.
– He’s not much of a social media user, he only has Instagram and Twitter.
– He wears mostly black clothes.
– He’s close friends with ALIVE999, APACHI, AVALON, and ONN1.
– His SoundCloud page has his own produced songs.
– He loves Techno music.
– He uses his black jacket from the brand “Cavempt”.
– He went to Vietnam in 2018.
Instagram: articxox
Twitter: DPR_ARTIC
Streaming Platform Links
Genie | Spotify | SoundCloud | Bugs | Melon | Apple Music | Deezer
“Do Or Die ft, DPR IAN”:
Hej Hyrina tu na zdjęciach masz IANa a nie ARTICa 😊😊 a tak po