Disbanded Boy Groups J-Pop

Apeace Members Profile & Facts

Apeace Members

Apeace (에이피스 / エーピース) was a South Korean 12 Members J-Pop boy group that originally debuted with 21 members under Golden Goose Entertainment. The members were Choi Young Won, Kim Won Sik, Ji Hyun Sung, Ha Geon Hee, Song Seung Hyuk, Hong Sung Ho, Kim Wan Chul, Kim Jin Woo , Yun Jun Sik , Jeong Young Wook, Choi Si Hyuk, and J.D. Their company announced that they would be disbanding at the end of December 2021.

Apeace Profile

Debut 2010
Active Years 2010–2021
Apeace Members Choi Young Won,Kim Won Sik, Ji Hyun Sung, Ha Geon Hee, Song Seung Hyuk, Hong Sung Ho, Kim Wan Chul, Kim Jin Woo, Yun Jun Sik, Jeong Young Wook , Choi Si Hyuk, and J.D .
Genre K-pop, J-pop
Status Disbanded
Label Golden Goose Entertainment
Oldest Member Young Won
Youngest Member Sung Ho
Former Member Son Yu Chang, Lee Sung Woo, Jeong Ho Young, Kim Seung Hyung, Lee Myung Eun, Yoo Dong Ho, Park Jae Won, Moon Byeong Hun, Lee Tae Woo, Heo Chang Woo, Kim Doo Hee, Min Jin Hong, Hwang Du Hwan, Oh Se Hyeon   
Fandom Name Hana-One

More Profiles: Inter Girls, Berryz, HOT ISSUE

Apeace Facts:

– They first debuted in Japan in 2011 as a 21-member group under the moniker Double B 21, before re-debuting under their current identity.
– Apeace later promoted with 12 members and was split into three sub-units: Lapis5, Jade5, and Onyx5.
– Most of the members were taller than 180cm.
– In South Korea, they were known as the ”21 male idol group,” and their large number of members made them a popular topic.
On September 29, 2021, their Japanese agency CONTAINER announced that Apeace would split at the end of December 2021.
– Their popular songs include “BANG! BURN! LOVE” and “KIZUNA”.

Instagram: apeacemembersofficial
Youtube: APEACEofficial
Twitter: Apeace_Japan

Streaming Platform Links
Genie | Spotify | Bugs | Melon | Apple Music | Deezer

Apeace Members Profile

1. Won Sik

Won Sik Apeace
Won Sik
Stage Name Won Sik (원식)
Birth Name Kim Won Sik (김원식)
Position Leader, Main Dancer
Birthday July 19, 1989
Active Years 2012–2021
Age 35 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Cancer
Height 180 cm (5’11”)
Weight 63 kg (139 lbs)
Nationality Korea
Blood Type AB

Won Sik Facts:

– On November 28, 2011, he joined Apeace as a substitute for Son Yu Chang.
– He is a devout Christian.
– His most annoying behaviour is saying “chincha?” (really?) a lot.
– He attended an all-boys school, thus he is very shy among girls.
– “Chocolate Wonsik” is his Nickname.
– During a performance, his face gets bright crimson when he establishes eye contact with female fans in the audience.
– He feels the most awkward during handshake meetings when supporters admire him.
– If the other members were female, he would want a daughter with Tae Woo or a boy with Jae Won or Ho Young.
– From second grade to high school, he had three Maltese dogs named Check, Chang, and Toto. They were always waiting for him when he returned home from school. They would even bite his nose to wake him up in the middle of the night.
– He believes he would be a Golden Retriever if he were a dog.
– He considers himself to be reserved.
– He appeared on the survival show G-EGG.
– He is currently a member of the TMC pair with Seunghyuk.
– He enjoys singing karaoke to H.O.T songs.
– He gets up before the other Jade5 members and wakes them up. Jade5 was all late the one time he slept in.
– His mother was a lousy cook, he had to always buy his meals.
– His favorite part of his body is his eyes.
– He doesn’t like alcohol but occasionally has a beer before bed. He once drank alcohol with Seung Hyuk and promptly fell asleep.

Twitter: wonsik8907

2. Young Won

Young Won Apeace
Young Won
Stage Name Young Won (영원)
Birth Name Choi Young Won (최영원)
Position Main Vocalist
Birthday May 12, 1988
Active Years 2011–2021
Age 37 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Taurus
Height 180 cm (5’11”)
Weight 61 kg (134 lbs)
Nationality N/A
Blood Type B

Young Won Facts:

– He is overly hopeful to the point when his parents chastise him.
– In elementary school, he was vice president of the student committee and the director of the reading club.
– His life mantra is “Life does not change quickly.”
– Sherlock Holmes is his favourite film.
– He claims that the most essential item he brought from Korea is a teddy dog that reminds him of his dog back home.
– He thinks his weakness is a serious nasal allergy.
– He sat in the audience during a performance once and no one noticed until he stood up.
– He worked as a trainee for three and a half years.
– He takes a long time in the morning to get ready.
– He prefers to associate with folks who have blood type B.
– When someone wants to speak on stage, he is the most dependable.
– He had a Miniature Schnauzer named Terri when he was six years old, but he is allergic to dogs, so having one was unpleasant for him.
– He has a lot of worries in his daily life. For example, when he is driving, he prefers to put a pillow between himself and his seatbelt in case the automobile has to come to a sudden stop. When he walks into a store, the first thing he looks for is an emergency exit. He will make every effort to avoid driving near a construction site.
– He has two older brothers. He has a close relationship with his younger sibling.
– He has visited several places around the world. He got lost in Luxembourg by himself when he was six years old
– He was the lead singer of a band in high school.
– When he was younger, his parents ran a modest record store.

Instagram: apeaceoppa (Perosnal) | s0wqpbEaQ2 (cat)

3. Hyun Sung

Hyun Sung Apeace
Hyun Sung
Stage Name Hyun Sung (현성)
Birth Name Ji Hyun Sung (지현성)
Position Main Vocalist
Birthday December 2, 1989
Active Years 2011–2021
Age 36 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Sagittarius
Height 186 cm (6’1″)
Weight 68 kg (150 lbs)
Nationality N/A
Blood Type AB

Hyun Sung Facts:

– Hyun Sung had very bad eyesight before having lasik eye surgery.
– Lee Seungchul’s The Western Sky is his favourite song.
– His ambition is to go to many nations.
– He’d like to be in a musical.
– He enjoys bowling and baseball.
– He was in the subgroup Lapis before switching to Onyx5.
– His problem is that he quickly runs out of breath and his face turns crimson.
– He was a model for DCM Model Management and appeared in magazines such as GQ, SURE, and Movie Week.
– He stayed in Changwon until the age of 21 when he chose to pursue a career as a model.
– In Gangnam, he completed his preliminary modelling efforts.
– His first modelling assignment was in a magazine at an amusement park, where lovers were holding hands.
– His hometown is Changwon (30 minutes outside of Busan), where he attended the most prominent high school in the area.
– He was really shy throughout school.
– His nickname is “Angel/Angel brother”
– since many mistook him for a girl when he was a youngster due to his large eyes.

Twitter: jeehyunsung

4. Wan Chul

Wan Chul Apeace
Wan Chul
Stage Name Wan Chul (완철)
Birth Name Kim Wan Chul (김완철)
Position Main Vocalist
Birthday April 13, 1992
Active Years 2011–2021
Age 32 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Aries
Height 185 cm (6’1″)
Weight 63 kg (139 lbs)
Nationality N/A
Blood Type O

Wan Chul Facts:

– WanChul attended an all-boys high school.
– Others refer to him as “Chul Chul Wan Chul” (Chul Chul Wan Chul).
– If he were to confess to a female, he would sing her Ikimonogakari’s Arigatou.
– He wrote a song called (Love at First Sight).
– Michael Jackson is his favourite artist.
– One of his flaws is that he speaks slowly.
– His vocal range, technique, and improvisation skills are admired by other members.
– His ambition is to reach the top of the Oricon chart and tour Japan.
– He enjoyed making Dong Ho egg dishes because Dong Ho adores them.
– He feels more at ease conversing with Apeace members his own age than with his seniors. He gets nervous when he talks to his seniors.
– He was dubbed an “accident child” when he was younger. He broke practically everything he touched by accident.
– He’s an expert at baking and cooking fish.
– He was in XING generation 5 alongside Du Hwan.
– He has been a GGE trainee since he was 15 years old.

Instagram: 920413_ ( Private)

5. Jin Woo

Jin Woo Apeace
Jin Woo
Stage Name Jin Woo (진우)
Birth Name Kim Jin Woo (김진우)
Position Rapper
Birthday October 12, 1992
Active Years 2011–2021
Age 32 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Libra
Height 188 cm (6’2″)
Weight 73 kg (161 lbs)
Nationality N/A
Blood Type AB

Jin Woo Facts:

– Jin Woo was in the Lapis subgroup before switching to Onyx5.
– His motto is “Think twice before criticising others.”
– He doesn’t want his followers to like the other members, so when he sees them conversing with them, he tries to derail the conversation.
– “Tsundere” is his nickname.
Rain is his favorite artist.
– He says it’s alright to hug him if you run into him on the street and there’s no one around.
– Dong Ho claims that he is always friendly and responds with a smile, even when he is tired.
– He is extremely light in weight. After two modest cups of booze, he falls asleep, therefore he always drinks cola instead.
– His flaw is that he cannot ignore a request made to him.
– He had always wanted to be an entertainer, but because he was so tall, he was advised to become a model instead.
– He appears shy onstage, but he cracks a lot of jokes behind the scenes. He is obsessed with polar bears.
– He’s lost track of how many girls he’s dated (at least ten). When they ask him out, he doesn’t say no
– Won Sik claims he has a habit of laughing in his sleep.
– On February 24, 2015, he enrolled in the Korean military and returned on November 19, 2016.
– He is a licensed driver.

Instagram: dacapo188
Twitter: JW_1012

6. Jun Sik

Jun Sik Apeace
Jun Sik
Stage Name Jun Sik (준식)
Birth Name Yun Jun Sik (윤준식)
Position Dancer
Birthday March 6, 1993
Active Years 2011–2021
Age 31 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Pisces
Height 183 cm (6’0″)
Weight 68 kg (150 lbs)
Nationality N/A
Blood Type O

Jun Sik Facts:

– Jun Sik was born in the city of Gwangmeong.
– On April 23rd, 2013, he replaced Seunghyung in Lapis and later changed to Onyx5.
– He identifies himself as someone who works tirelessly.
– He is most confident in his ability to dance.
– He is well-known for his popping.
– He admires comedian Yoo Jaesuk and SNSD member Taeyeon.
– Due to his height, he played basketball in high school as a center (despite being one of Apeace’s shortest members).
– The other Onyx5 members concur that he will most likely be the first of them to marry.
– His fave musicians are Big Bang Theory and INFINITE.
– He attended a co-ed high school, but the classrooms were divided by gender.
– In high school, he carried a yellow purse and yellow shoes, earning him the moniker “Yellow Prince.”
– He wants to go to Japan’s hot springs.
– He prefers girls who can make their own decisions and are not indecisive.
– He considers himself bright and cheerful, but occasionally wicked.
– He has a propensity for twirling his hair.
– He has been a GGE trainee since he was 18 years old.
– JD is envious of his adorableness.

Instagram: 3x6_93

7. Young Wook

Young Wook Apeace
Young Wook
Stage Name Young Wook (영욱)
Birth Name Jung Young Wook (정영욱)
Position Main Vocalist, Main Dancer
Birthday May 14, 1995
Active Years 2011–2021
Age 29 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Taurus
Height 185 cm (6’1″)
Weight 62 kg (136 lbs)
Nationality N/A
Blood Type A

Young Wook Facts:

– He is now a contender on G-EGG, a survival show.
– He has three older sisters, one of whom was a member of the female group SKARF.
– When he chuckles, his eyes shrink three times their standard size.
– Rain is his favorite artist.
– In junior high, he performed a dance cover of Rainism and received a standing ovation.
– Taekwondo is one of his passions. He can also beatbox.
– Watching Michael Jackson inspired him to sing and dance while he was in fifth school.
– His dancing is entirely self-taught.
– He enjoys bowling and typically goes once a week with JD.
– On March 27, 2021, Youngwook made his solo debut in the UK with the single Dark Morning.

8. Si Hyuk

Si Hyuk Apeace
Si Hyuk
Stage Name Si Hyuk (시혁)
Birth Name Choi Si Hyuk (최시혁)
Position Dancer, Rapper
Birthday February 18, 1997
Active Years 2011–2021
Age 27 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Aquarius
Height 180 cm (5’11”)
Weight 63 kg (139 lbs)
Nationality N/A
Blood Type A

Si Hyuk Facts:

– Si Hyuk joined Apeace, replacing Myung Eun in Onyx On April 9, 2014.
– He later relocated to Lapis5. Before formally joining Apeace, he was a member of a GGE dancing pair called Street Jam, and he also appeared in segments of NOTTV’s Bidanshikai with other Apeace members.
– Jin Hong initially thought Si Hyuk was peaceful, but when he joined him at Lapis5, he realized he was quite rowdy and mischievous.
– He rapidly became Lapis5’s mood-maker.
– Wan Chul claims to have a good voice and a good sense of fashion.
– He is now a contender on G-EGG, a survival show.
– Despite his baby features, he raps in a deep voice.
– He’s been described as Apeace’s mascot.

9. JD

JD Apeace
Stage Name JD (제이디)
Birth Name Yoo Jae Deok (유재덕)
Position Vocalist
Birthday August 27, 1997
Active Years 2011–2021
Age 27 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Virgo
Height 183 cm (6’0″)
Weight 65 kg (143 lbs)
Nationality N/A
Blood Type O

JD Facts:

– On April 23rd, 2013, he replaced Ho Young in the subgroup Onyx, and later switched to Jade5.
– He is from Gyeonggi-do’s Namyangu-si.
– He was a young prodigy who appeared on the 100th episode of Star King when he was 12 years old.
– He has excellent pitch.
– He is a multi-instrumentalist who can play the piano, bass guitar, drums, and gayageum (Korean zither).
– From 2010 to 2012, he was a member of MetallateM, a Korean kids progressive metal band.
– He can play the keyboard.
– He wrote a song called Runaway.
– He joined Apeace years after their Japanese debut, but by early 2014, he was more fluent in Kanji than any of the other Onyx members, and by mid-year, he could converse in the language with the rest of Apeace.
– He has a bad habit of daydreaming.
– Elvis Presley is his favorite artist. JD grew interested in rock because of him.
– Won Sik admires him for his ability to study so effectively.
– He is Apeace’s youngest member.
– HERO is his favorite Apeace song.
– He regards himself as indecisive.
– He wishes to view the Tokyo Tower.
– He began singing at the age of six.

Instagram: windfire123

10. Geon Hee

Geon Hee Apeace
Geon Hee
Stage Name Geon Hee (건희)
Birth Name Ha Geon Hee (하건희)
Position Main Vocalist
Birthday July 19, 1991
Active Years 2011–2021
Age 34 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Cancer
Height 183 cm (6’0″)
Weight 63 kg (139 lbs)
Nationality N/A
Blood Type B

Geon Hee Facts:

– He was born in Tongyoung-si, Gyeongsangnam-do.
– He was previously a member of the Onyx subgroup.
– He was not interested in sports in school; instead, he was interested in music and singing.
– His mother gave him a box of ramen and chocolates for his first Christmas in Japan. Although the members were on a diet, he, Tae Woo, and Seung Hyuk ate the ramen in the middle of the night.
– He is now on leave while completing his required military service.
– When he first meets someone, he is extremely shy.
– Howl’s Moving Castle is his favorite film.
– He was encouraged to start singing after performing an SG Wannabe song at a school event and receiving positive feedback.
– He enjoys singing karaoke to 2 AM’s This Song.
– His ambition is to form a band with Apeace members and release an album.
– Because he is so innocent, he is the one who is known to be the least like a blood type B person.
– He views himself to be an eight-colored bird (Korean for someone endowed with numerous charms).
– His sweet and melodious voice is admired by the other members.

Instagram: goninosuke
Twitter: 183cm63kg

11. Seung Hyuk

Seung Hyuk Apeace
Seung Hyuk
Stage Name Seung Hyuk (승혁)
Birth Name Song Seung Hyuk (송승혁)
Position Main Dancer
Birthday July 30, 1991
Active Years 2011–2021
Age 33 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Leo
Height 183 cm (6’0″)
Weight 66 kg (146 lbs)
Nationality N/A
Blood Type AB

Seung Hyuk Facts:

– He worked as a trainee for three years.
– He and Sung Ho have been best friends since they started as trainees on the same day.
– He was born in Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do.
– He considers his dancing facial expressions to be his strongest dance skill.
– He’d always wanted Apeace to do a sensual dance.
– When he dances, he has a habit of caressing the collar of his jacket.
– His ambition is to perform at the Tokyo Dome.
– When Onyx5 members need to speak on stage, they rely on him.
– He has been a model since the age of three, modeling outfits produced by his mother.
– He is Apeace’s fashion guru.
– Yoon Dohyun Band is his favorite artist.
– On his chest, he bears a tattoo.
– He previously worked at his mother’s clothing store.
– Rain prompted him to start dancing when he was 17 years old.
– He previously owned a Shih Tzu and two Maltese dogs. Bonbon, Goyani, and Wonsoni were their names.
– He currently owns a Dachshund as a pet.
– Young Wook (who sleeps on the same bed as him) had to put up a barrier in the middle of the bed since he tends to stretch out while sleeping.
– He is now on leave while completing his required military service.
– He has a propensity to speak in an extremely professional tone to his coworkers.
– He is currently a member of the TMC duet with Wonshik.
– He is infatuated with leopard print and has it on all of his personal items.

Twitter: asdgg8800

12. Sung Ho

Sung Ho Apeace
Sung Ho
Stage Name Sung Ho (성호)
Birth Name Hong Sung Ho (홍성호)
Position Main Vocalist
Birthday September 15, 1991
Active Years 2011–2021
Age 33 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Virgo
Height 187 cm (6’1″)
Weight 77 kg (170 lbs)
Nationality N/A
Blood Type A

Sung Ho Facts:

– He was in a band in high school for three years.
– He was raised in Hoengseong, Gangwon-do.
– He aspires to be a sensible person who takes into account the feelings of others.
– His interests include Kendo, football, and swimming.
– He is Onyx5’s gag man. He has a powerful personality.
– He has excellent leadership qualities and is comfortable speaking in front of large groups.
– Fans gave him the nickname Frankie (from One Piece).
– He is well-known for his ability to tell wonderful stories.
– When he returns to his dorm, he eats a lot.
– Spiderman is his favourite film.
– He began a diet in July 2012 because he was larger than the other members.
– He’s been friends with Seung Huyk since they were both trainees on the same day. He thought Seung Huyk was quite trendy when he first met him.
– He worked as a trainee for three years.
– He appears in the song “Life Is Beautiful” from YHANAEL’s debut album, PART OF THE UNIVERSE, which was released in September 2014.
– He is now on leave while completing his required military service.
– His ambition is to achieve number one on the Oricon charts, to perform at Tokyo Dome, and to eventually become number one in Asia.
– In high school, he was the president of the student council.
– His favourite karaoke song is Bon Jovie’s It’s My Life.
– Other members admire him for his powerful and booming voice, as well as his distinct dance style.
– When he wears a jacket, he frequently plays with the collar.
– He used to work at a Japanese supermarket near his house, so he is familiar with a variety of Japanese meals.

Instagram: sungho1991

Former Members

13. Dong Ho

Dong Ho Apeace
Dong Ho
Stage Name Dong Ho (동호)
Birth Name Yoo Dong Ho (유동호)
Occupation Rapper
Birthday February 25, 1985
Active Years 2011–2014
Age 39 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Pisces
Height 184 cm (6’0″)
Weight 64 kg (141 lbs)
Nationality N/A
Blood Type B

Dong Ho Facts:

– Dong Ho is affectionately known as “eomma” by members Seung Hwan and Se Hyeon.
– Before joining Apeace, he was a model.
– Out of all the members, he is known to act the most like a blood type B person since he is very decisive and is not hesitant to communicate his ideas and beliefs plainly. He is also reported to be the most proud.
– He began modelling after seeing an audition poster at a cafe. He assumed his short stature would hamper his chances, but he was chosen as one of the top ten out of 3,000 applicants.
– He had been living alone since he was 19 years old.
– His mother was a pianist.
– In September 2012, he quit smoking on the day Apeace launched their major first album.
– He almost always eats fried eggs and particularly likes them with kimchi. He sometimes eats them five times in one day.
– On June 30, 2014, he graduated from Apeace.
– He was the organization’s oldest member.
– In 2009, he attended SBS Star Academy alongside Jae Won.
– He enjoys cello and ballet as hobbies.
– He is the family’s youngest kid, and he is spoiled by his siblings.
– In 2003, he graduated from Daejeon Arts High School.
– He appeared in a music video alongside Lee Minho and Jessica Gomez.
– He has a propensity to address the other members as children.

14. Jae Won

Jae Won Apeace
Jae Won
Stage Name Jae Won (재원)
Birth Name Park Jae Won (박재원)
Position Vocalist
Birthday December 17, 1986
Active Years 2011–2014
Age 38 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Sagittarius
Height 190 cm (6’3″)
Weight 64 kg (141 lbs)
Nationality N/A
Blood Type O

Jae Won Facts:

– His first modeling job was with the Seoul Collection, where he worked with famed designer Chang Gwanhyo and teacher Lee Jooyoung.
– He was a model for DCM Model Management and appeared in magazines such as SURE, Style H, and Maison.
– He worked as a trainee for three and a half years.
– His nickname is “Mt. Fuji” due to his height.
– Kendo is one of his hobbies.
– His favorite features of his body are his eyes and collarbones.
– Before going to bed, he reads manga.
– In 2009, he attended SBS Star Academy alongside Dong Ho.
– His shortcoming is that he takes too long to make decisions and thus misses out on opportunities.
– If the other members were girls, he’d desire a daughter with Won Sik or a son with Jin Woo.
– Before joining Apeace, he was a model.
– If his sister dated an Apeace member, he would choose Jin Hong or Young Wook. He would never choose Won Sik.
– He wanted to be a model since he was in high school, but his parents forced him to join the military immediately after graduating from university. He then moved to Seoul on his own to become a model.
– He frequently knocks his head on entrances when boarding trains.
– On June 30, 2014, he graduated from Apeace.
– He enjoys collecting action figures.
– He is quite proficient in Japanese, but he gets frightened when he talks on stage, so it appears that he isn’t.

15. Yu Chang

Yu Chang Apeace
Yu Chang
Stage Name Yu Chang (유창)
Birth Name Son Yu Chang (손유창)
Position Vocalist
Birthday December 21, 1987
Active Years 2011 
Age 37 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Sagittarius
Height 181 cm (5’11”)
Weight 64 kg (141 lbs)
Nationality N/A
Blood Type N/A

Yu Chang Facts:

– He worked as a model before joining Apeace.
– On November 28, 2011, he quit Apeace to further his studies in composition.

16. Sung Woo

Sung Woo Apeace
Sung Woo
Stage Name Sung Woo (성우)
Birth Name Lee Sung Woo (이성우)
Position N/A
Birthday August 9, 1989
Active Years 2011 
Age 35 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Leo
Height 184 cm (6’0″)
Weight 65 kg (143 lbs)
Nationality N/A
Blood Type N/A

Sung Woo Facts:

– He was particularly close to member Geon Hee because they shared a room.
– Due to continuing back troubles, he departed Apeace on November 28, 2011. Lee Myung Eun took his place.
– He pursued a career as a drama musical actor after recuperating from his back problems.
– He has an obsessive personality, especially when it comes to playing musical instruments.
– On February 23rd, 2012, he graduated from university.

17. Byung Hun

Byung Hun Apeace
Byung Hun
Stage Name Byung Hun (병훈)
Birth Name Moon Byung Hun (문병훈)
Position Main Dancer
Birthday June 6, 1990
Active Years 2011–2014
Age 34 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Gemini
Height 186 cm (6’1″)
Weight 66 kg (146 lbs)
Nationality N/A
Blood Type N/A

Byung Hun Facts:

– He performs B-Boy dancing. He began in high school after being inspired by break-dancing videos on YouTube.
– His ambition is to perform alongside choreographer Lyle Beniga.
– He finds it easier to learn Japanese because he is familiar with Japanese theatre and animation.
– He was interviewed for the Official Book of the Korean drama Secret Garden.
– As a child, he had several canines, including a Yorkshire Terrier and a Jindo Dog (a popular Korean dog breed).
– He imagines himself as a Jindo Dog if he were a dog.
– He was born left-handed, but his school forced him to switch to right.
– He prefers Golden Retrievers, Miniature Schnauzers, Cocker Spaniels, and Beagles as dog breeds.
– In August 2012, he sang his part in Korean instead of Japanese during a performance at Odaiba Stadium.
– On June 30, 2014, he graduated from Apeace.
– In high school, he became obsessed with anime, particularly the work of Hayao Miyazaki. He was a member of the Japanese cinema club.
– He worked as a trainee for three years.

18. Tae Woo

Tae Woo Apeace
Tae Woo
Stage Name Tae Woo (태우)
Birth Name Lee Tae Woo (이태우)
Position Rapper
Birthday December 8, 1990
Active Years 2011–2014
Age 34 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Sagittarius
Height 190 cm (6’2″)
Weight 71 kg (157 lbs)
Nationality N/A
Blood Type O

Tae Woo Facts:

– His first modeling job was for a wedding.
– He received an honor at the 2013 Asian Model Festival Awards.
– On June 30, 2014, he graduated from Apeace.
– He enjoys coffee-flavored milk but does not enjoy coffee.
– He would prefer to be 3 to 5 centimetres shorter.
– His nickname is derived from the Korean term for “mischievous.”
– Kickboxing is one of his passions.
– He was actually relatively short until his third year of junior high.
– Other members refer to him as the devil since he always plays practical jokes on them.
– After leaving Apeace, he worked as a model in Japan for Golden Goose Entertainment.
– In 2009, he graduated from Daeduk College’s Model Department.
– On June 8, 2015, he enrolled in the military.
– When he was in high school, he took part in the Seoul Collection (a fashion event including several of Korea’s best models).

19. Doo Hee

Doo Hee Apeace
Doo Hee
Stage Name Doo Hee (두희)
Birth Name Kim Doo Hee (김두희)
Position Vocalist
Birthday May 1, 1991
Active Years 2013–2014
Age 33 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Taurus
Height 186 cm (6’1″)
Weight 65 kg (143 lbs)
Nationality N/A
Blood Type A

Doo Hee Facts:

– Doo Hee is happiest when he is singing.
– He became close to Dong Ho, whom he refers to as Haraboji (grandfather).
– His favorite portion of his body is his forehead.
– Dong Ho and Won Sik, he claims, are the members of Jade who treat him the best.
– Prior to joining Apeace, he primarily sang R&B.
– To ease stress, he jogs and plays basketball.
– He hopes to appear in a play someday.
– On June 30, 2014, he graduated from Apeace.
– He regards him as a person who cares about others.
– He would go shopping and then buy a car if he won 100 million yen.
– Doo Hee joined Apeace in 2013 after many members left to serve in the military.
– He enjoys playing basketball and soccer.
– Kim Yongwoo is his favorite musician, and Ha Jungwoo is his favorite actor.

20. Myung Eun

Myung Eun Apeace
Myung Eun
Stage Name Myung Eun (명은)
Birth Name Lee Myung Eun (이명은)
Position N/A
Birthday June 26, 1991
Active Years 2012–2014
Age 33 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Cancer
Height 182 cm (6’0″)
Weight 66 kg (146 lbs)
Nationality N/A
Blood Type A

Myung Eun Facts:

– Myung Eun has been a soccer player since elementary school.
– The most precious item he brought back from Korea was a photograph of him and his grandmother.
– He was solely close to his siblings, not his parents.
– When he speaks in Japanese, he becomes uneasy.
– He had a habit of sleeping in and arriving late for practice. Typically, Seung Hyuk had to drag him out of bed.
– When he first arrived at Apeace, he frequently spoke without holding the microphone up to his mouth.
– He produced a Christmas card for his family in primary school, but he was too shy to offer it to his parents.
– Other members regard him as sophisticated and chic, but he loses some of that when he goes onstage due to his nervousness.
– He joined Apeace in 2011 when Lee Sung Woo left to do his military service.
– When he had to do something in front of an audience, he would turn pale and break out in a cold sweat.
– He considers himself to be open-minded.
– Sung Ho gave him the moniker Sokcho squid since his hometown of Sokcho is famed for its specialty squid. “Coffee Prince” is another moniker for him.
– His long arms are his weakness.
– He was sacked from Apeace on March 1, 2014, for a major breach of contract. On the 15th, it was disclosed that he had married Kim Jimin. They had a daughter, Lee Hael, who they named after their daughter.

21. Ho Young

Ho Young Apeace
Ho Young
Stage Name Ho Young (호영)
Birth Name Jeong Ho Young (정호영) (now Jeong Da Ho (정다호))
Occupation Vocalist
Birthday February 19, 1992
Active Years 2011–2013
Age 32 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Aquarius
Height 190 cm (6’2″)
Weight 70 kg (154 lbs)
Nationality N/A
Blood Type A

Ho Young Facts

– Ho Young has a kind personality that complements Onyx.
– Kang Hodong, a sumo wrestler, is his favourite sportsman.
– He has an older sister, Inhye, with whom he gets along well. She is a singing teacher.
– “Bear” is his nickname.
– Rainbow Paper is a singing group he and his sister formed.
– He hopes to continue singing and even acting in Korea in the future.
– H left Apeace on April 23, 2013 to complete his military duty.
– In Japan, he shared a room with Jin Woo.
– He was an extremely athletic child, with specialties in basketball, Kendo, and Taekwondo.
– He appeared in the trailer for Cry and Run by V.O.S (Voice of Soul) (at 0:08).
– Slam Dunk was his favorite manga to read as a kid.
– He could eat four bags of ramen with rice in one sitting when he was in junior high.

22. Chang Woo

Chang Woo Apeace
Chang Woo
Stage Name Chang Woo (창우)
Birth Name Heo Chang Woo (허창우)
Occupation Rapper
Birthday April 2, 1992
Active Years 2011–2014
Age 32 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Aries
Height 184 cm (6’0″)
Weight 65 kg (143 lbs)
Nationality N/A
Blood Type O

Chang Woo Facts:

– Chang Woo joined the army in November of 2014.
– According to Seung Hyung, he is skilled at posing.
– On June 30, 2014, he graduated from Apeace.
– He is from Haeundae-gu in Busan.
– He has a sister with whom he has had several fights.
– He attended an all-boys high school.
– He was a popular kid who irritated his professors by being mischievous.
– Yoyogi Park and Harajuku are his favourite spots to visit alone in Japan.
– Hominem (Eminem + Heo) and Busan guy are his monikers.
– He is also referred to as “Annoying Guy” by other members.
– His weakness is that he needs multiples of everything; he does not want just one of anything.
– Even when everyone else is sleepy, he remains enthusiastic and, at times, overly loud.
– He has a habit of squinting his eyes.

23. Seung Hyung

Seung Hyung Apeace
Seung Hyung
Stage Name Seung Hyung (승형)
Birth Name Kim Seung Hyung (김승형)
Position Vocalist
Birthday July 11, 1992
Active Years 2011–2013
Age 32 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Aries
Height 188 cm (6’2″)
Weight 70 kg (154 lbs)
Nationality N/A
Blood Type A

Seung Hyung Facts:

– Seung wants to visit New York and photograph the Brooklyn Bridge and Times Square.
– His flaw is that he speaks with a strong accent from his home province of Jeolla.
– In high school, he was a bodybuilder who could jump rope 4000 times.
– He was a high school basketball player. Because he was so tall, he was constantly in the centre.
– He is from Mokpo.
– He has an interest in photography. The staff presented him with a Nikon D3100 camera.
– Jin Woo, he believes, is the most photogenic member, while Chang Woo and Tae Woo are adept at posing.
– He adores IU.
– On April 23, 2013, he left Apeace to complete his military duty. Yun Jun Sik has taken his post.

24. Jin Hong

Jin Hong Apeace
Jin Hong
Stage Name Jin Hong (진홍)
Birth Name Min Jin Hong (민진홍)
Position Main Dancer
Birthday October 24, 1993
Active Years 2011–2018
Age 31 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Scorpio
Height 187 cm (6’2″)
Weight 67 kg (148 lbs)
Nationality N/A
Blood Type A

Jin Hong Facts:

– Jin Hong like anime. One Piece, Naruto, and Bleach are among his favourites.
– In November of 2014, he suffered from acute appendicitis and returned to performing in December.
– SG Wannabe is his fave artist.
– He is presently an Apeace stage advisor.
– He is from Seoul’s Jung-gu district.
– Mission Impossible is his favorite film.
– He didn’t get serious dance instruction until he became an Apeace trainee in junior high.
– He worked as a trainee for three and a half years.
– On trains, he dances unconsciously while listening to music.
– In high school, he was nominated for student council president.
– According to Chang Woo, he is the most mature member of Lapis5.
– He would like to perform alongside dancers such as Yunho (TVXQ), Eunhyuk (Super Junior), Taemin (SHINee), and Kai (EXO).
– Jinhong was forced to retire from Apeace activities indefinitely on March 3, 2015, due to the bad state of his knees and lumbar vertebrae. On July 29, 2018, he formally departed Apeace.

25. Seung Hwan

Seung Hwan Apeace
Seung Hwan
Stage Name Seung Hwan (승환)
Birth Name Kim Seung Hwan (김승환)
Occupation Vocalist
Birthday January 1, 1994
Active Years 2011–2013
Age 31 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Capricorn
Height 186 cm (6’1″)
Weight 62 kg (137 lbs)
Nationality N/A
Blood Type A

Seung Hwan Facts:

– Seung Hwan was a model student in elementary school.
– His weakness is that he dislikes veggies, including kimchi.
– He frequently went skateboarding with Du Hwan.
– SAN-E is his favorite artist.
– His father was adamant that he not live in Japan.
– According to the other members, he acts and appears much older than he is, especially when rapping.
– He is having a difficult time gaining muscle.
– His ambition is to become well-known in Korea.
– Kim Doo has taken his place.
– He is a member of a Korean dance troupe.
– In the future, he hopes to be able to translate Japanese and English in Korea.
– On April 23, 2013, he left Apeace to complete his military duty.

26. Du Hwan

Du Hwan Apeace
Du Hwan
Stage Name Du Hwan (두환)
Birth Name Hwang Du Hwan (황두환)
Position Rapper
Birthday January 30, 1994
Active Years 2011–2018
Age 31 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Aquarius
Height 187 cm (6’2″)
Weight 65 kg (143 lbs)
Nationality N/A
Blood Type AB

Du Hwan Facts:

– Du Hwan wishes to travel to Africa. He wishes to accompany Seung Hyuk since Seung Hyuk adores leopard print.
– When he was in fourth grade, his father gave him a Shepard dog as a gift. He gave it the name Depo (gun). He appeared frightening, yet he was actually extremely nice.
– From April 2013 to March 2014, he co-hosted NHK’s Hangul Class season 2 every Monday.
– On July 29, 2018, he departed Apeace.
– He was a part of the Onyx subunit before switching to Jade5.
– He’s been a model since junior high.
– He was in XING generation 5 alongside Wan Chul.
– He appeared in the Seoul Collection, designed by Chang Gwanhyo.
– He has an older sister.
– He is fascinated with photography. Geon Hee gave him a Nikon camera, and he enjoys photographing Apeace.
– He has visited Malaysia because his aunt lives there. He describes it as a friendly and lovely country.
– He considers Seung Hyuk to be the most photogenic member.

27. Se Hyeon

Se Hyeon Apeace
Se Hyeon
Stage Name Se Hyeon (세현)
Birth Name Oh Se Hyeon (오세현)
Position Vocalist/Pianist
Birthday March 8, 1994
Active Years 2011–2018
Age 30 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Pisces
Height 182 cm (6’0″)
Weight 58 kg (128 lbs)
Nationality N/A
Blood Type A

Se Hyeon Facts:

– Se Hyeon wishes to see Spain, Israel, and England.
– He wrote a song titled Diary.
– He was the first Apeace member to perform a solo show.
– Always Close is a song he penned on Won Sik’s birthday.
– Actress Inoue Mao is his ideal type.
– If he could appear in any Japanese drama or film, he would choose Tokyo Girl.
– He used to be a member of the Jade subunit until switching to Lapis5.
– He attended Hanrim Entertainment Arts School
– the nickname Snoopy because he is “obedient as a dog.”
– Park Hyoshin is his favorite artist.
– His weakness is that even when he’s in a good mood, his face makes him appear to be in a terrible mood.
– He had been playing the piano since he was a child, but at the age of 15, he decided he wanted to be a singer.
– His ambition is to be a singer/songwriter.
– He has an interest in photography. In November 2011, he purchased a Canon SLR camera. He enjoys photographing landscapes.
– He is well-known for his lovely almond-shaped eyes.
– On July 29, 2018, he departed Apeace.

Apeace Photos

NOTE: Which Apeace member caught your eye first? Let us know your story in the comments down below!

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Park Emma

I'm a big fan of K-pop, especially the group EXO, and Baekhyun is my Bias. When I'm not writing about K-pop, I enjoy reading books. Join me as I explore the world of K-pop and literature through my writing.
