Boy Groups

EVNNE Members Profile & Facts

EVNNE Members

EVNNE (이븐) is a seven-member Kpop project boy group that debuted on September 19th, 2023, with the mini album, ‘Target: ME’ under Jellyfish Entertainment. The group members consist of Park Hanbin, Keita, Yoo Seungeon, Lee Jeonghyeon, Ji Yunseo, Mun Junghyun, and Park Jihoo.

EVNNE Profile

Debut September 19th, 2023
Active Years 2023–present
EVNNE Members Park Hanbin, Lee Jeonghyeon, Yoo Seungeon, Ji Yunseo, Mun Junghyun, Park Jihoo, Keita
Genre Pop/ Dance
Status Active
Label Jellyfish Entertainment
Oldest Member Keita
Youngest Member Park Jihoo
Fandom Name ENNVE (엔브)
Type Kpop Boy Group

EVNNE Facts:

– WAKEONE Entertainment, Yuehua Entertainment and Rain Company have collaborated to create a project boy group that is the “Boys Planet” by product and the group is managed by Jellyfish Entertainment.
– The group was named BLIT (블릿; Boldly Leaping Into Tomorrow) but later it was changed to EVNNE because the word “BLIT” have a negative meaning in slang.
– A similar example to the group is the project group “JBJ” which was a byproduct group formed from the Mnet’s survival show “Produce 101” Season 2.
– EVNNE members consist of four WAKEONE trainees, Park Han Bin, Moon Jung Hyun, Park Ji Hoo, and Lee Jung Hyun, and two Yuehua Entertainment trainees, Yoo Seung Eon and Ji Yoon Seo and one RAIN company trainee, Keita.
– It was announced that more additional members would be added to the group as both companies were open to negotiations with other agencies and later Keita was included in the final lineup.
– The group was formerly known as Byproduct group then was named BLIT and the name was finally changed to EVNNE.
– The members have the following dorm arrangements: Park Han Bin, Lee Jung-hyun, and Ji Yun Seo are roommates and Keita, Yoo Seung-eon, Moon Jeong-hyeon, and Park Ji-hoo share another room.
– Jellyfish Entertainment debuted EVNNE approximately 4 years after VERIVERY.
– All the group members are contestants from the survival show “Boys Planet”.

Instagram: evnne_official
Youtube: EVNNE
Twitter: EVNNE_official | EVNNE_jp
TikTok: evnne_official
Facebook: officialevnne
Weibo: evnneofficial

Streaming Platform Links
Genie | Spotify | Bugs | Melon | Apple Music

EVNNE Members Profile

1. Keita

Keita Evnne (EVNNE Members)
Keita Evnne
Stage Name Keita (케이타)
Birth Name Terazono Keita (寺園 佳汰)
Position Leader
Birthday  July 4, 2001
Active Years 2018–present
Age 22 (in 2023)
Zodiac Sign Cancer
Height 170 cm (5’6″)
Weight 58 kg (127 lbs)
Nationality Japanese
Blood Type O

Keita Facts:

– He enjoys eating almond and strawberry-flavored pepero.
– He would describe the album “Target: Me” as “being reborn”.
– Jihoo said that he sleeps a lot but rather pours all his energy into stage performances.
– He often talks lovingly about his cute younger sister on V App Live.
– Seungeon thought that Keita would be scary because of his experience but he turned out to be the friendliest, most humorous individual with boundless energy. (FOX 13 Seattle)
– His special skill and hobbies are writing songs and lyrics, arranging songs, and producing beats. (Weekly Idol)
– The dish he is most confident about cooking is scrambled eggs. (IDOL COOKBANG)
– He was chosen by the members to be the leader because he has the most experience in the music industry.
– He is the oldest among all EVNNE members.
– He is most confident with performing hip-hop, rap, and cool concepts. (Weekly Idol)
– He was chosen by the members to be the most dangerous to take to a deserted island. (Wow Studio)
– His MBTI type is ISTP.
– Keita is the only foreign member among all EVNNE members.
– He described the experience of being the leader of the group as exciting and a source of motivation and energy to move forward. (The Seoul Story)
Read more facts about Keita

Twitter: offclKeita | offclKeita_jp
Instagram: sugoi_ke_i_ta

Streaming Platform Links
Genie | Bugs | Melon

2. Park Han Bin

Park Hanbin (EVNNE Members)
Park Hanbin
Stage Name Hanbin (한빈)
Birth Name Park Han Bin (박한빈)
Position n/a
Birthday March 1, 2002
Active Years 2021–present
Age 21 (in 2023)
Zodiac Sign Pisces
Height 175 cm (5 ft 9 in)
Weight n/a
Nationality Korean
Blood Type n/a

Park Han Bin Facts:

– His special skill is playing the flute.
– The most challenging part of debut for him was his lack of experience. (The Seoul Story)
– He would describe the album “Target: Me” as “a twist”.
– Keita said that Hanbin provides valuable support and help to him to be a good leader.
– One of his habits is scrunching his nose.
– The songs he can play best on the flute are Howl’s Moving Castle’s “The Merry Go Round of Life” and IVE’s “I Am”. (Weekly Idol)
– He considers his smile as his specialty.
– His specialty is dance. (Weekly Idol)
– Hanbin was chosen by the members as the member who most suits the concept of “TROUBLE”. (After School Club)
– He is friends with ENHYPEN’s Sunoo. (Starry Club)
– His skincare routine includes using a sheet mask, then using toner, then serum, then cream, and finally pigmentation patches. 
– His MBTI type is ESFP and ENFP.
– He described himself as someone who takes care of people and is friendly, empathetic, and gentle. (Wow Studio)
– Lee Sora’s “Track 9” comforted him when he lost his grandmother.
– The features he is most confident in are his eyes, nose, and chin.
Read more facts about Park Han Bin

Streaming Platform Links
Genie | Bugs | Melon

3. Lee Jeong Hyeon

Le Jeonghyeon (EVNNE Members)
Le Jeonghyeon
Stage Name Jeonghyeon (정현)
Birth Name Lee Jeong Hyeon (이정현)
Position n/a
Birthday September 11, 2002
Active Years 2019–present
Age 21 (in 2023)
Zodiac Sign Virgo
Height 183 cm (6 ft 0 in)
Weight n/a
Nationality Korean
Blood Type n/a

Lee Jeong Hyeon Facts:

– He can do an impression of Venom.
– His special skill is solving the Rubik’s cube quickly. (Weekly Idol)
– Jeong Hyeon can do a triple jump with a jumping rope.
– His lucky underwear is green-coloured. (TheKstarNextDoor)
– He uses aloe gel and sheet masks to take care of his skin. (Starry Club)
– He prefers Korean cuisine.
– The members chose him as the one who tends to practice individual skills before going on an entertainment show.
– He would describe the album “Target: Me” as “a colorful mix of styles, much like a rainbow”. (The Seoul Story)
– Jeong Hyeon described himself as someone who works hard until perfection because he doesn’t trust himself and is always nervous about showing his best side. (Wow Studio)
Mark (NCT) and V (BTS) are his role models.
He is most confident about his jawline.
Whenever he concentrates or focuses, he has a habit of frowning.
His MBTI type is ESFP.
Read more facts about Lee Jeong Hyeon

Streaming Platform Links
Genie | Bugs | Melon

4. Yoo Seung Eon

Yoo Seungeon (EVNNE Members)
Yoo Seungeon
Stage Name Seungeon (승언)
Birth Name Yoo Seung Eon (유승언)
Position n/a
Birthday January 2, 2004
Active Years 2022–present
Age 19 (in 2023)
Zodiac Sign Capricorn
Height 179cm (5’10”)
Weight n/a
Nationality Korean
Blood Type n/a

Yoo Seung Eon Facts:

– The most memorable part about “Boys Planet” for him was learning from his seniors. (The Seoul Story)
– He would describe the album “Target: Me” as “attractive troublemakers”. (The Seoul Story)
– Mun Junghyun said that Seung Eon sings restlessly on a daily basis. 
Baekhyun is his role model. (The Seoul Story)
– His musical influence as well as the artist he wants to collaborate with is Charlie Puth. (Urban Asian)
He likes to compose music, listen to songs, and play sports like soccer, basketball, table tennis, and bowling.
He also enjoys eating snacks and playing games.
His MBTI type is ENFP.
– He can do impressions of cartoon characters like Doraemon and Bochan. (Weekly Idol)
Seung Eon and Ji Yun Seo are the only two EVNNE members who are from Yuehua Entertainment.
Read more facts about Yoo Seung Eon

Streaming Platform Links
Genie | Bugs | Melon

5. Ji Yun Seo

Ji Yunseo (EVNNE Members)
Ji Yunseo
Stage Name Yunseo (윤서)
Birth Name Ji Yun Seo (지윤서)
Position n/a
Birthday October 15, 2004
Active Years 2022–present
Age 19 (in 2023)
Zodiac Sign Libra
Height 182cm (5’11”)
Weight n/a
Nationality Korean
Blood Type n/a

Ji Yun Seo Facts:

– Yunseo used to be an archery athlete. (After School Club)
– His skincare routine includes washing makeup off with cleansing foam and then applying toner. (Starry Club)
– He was chosen by the members, along with Junghyun, as the one they would like to introduce to their sister. (Wow Studio)
– He would love to meet and collaborate with Harry Styles. (Urban Asian)
– His cousin is Nayeon (TWICE).
– He chose the constellation Big Dipper as most closely resembling EVNNE because it consists of seven stars. 
– He described himself as someone who is good at housework, who is meticulous and who likes things to be clean.
– Jihoo said that Yunseo is the best at giving compliments. (Wow Studio)

– He used to play ice hockey from elementary to 3rd year of middle school. (IDOL COOKBANG)
– His MBTI type is ENFJ.
– He would describe the album “Target: Me” as “as the beginning of the infinite journey”. (The Seoul Story)
Read more facts about Ji Yun Seo

Streaming Platform Links
Genie | Melon

6. Mun Jung Hyun

Mun junghyun (EVNNE Members)
Mun junghyun
Stage Name Junghyun (정현)
Birth Name Mun Jung Hyun (문정현)
Position n/a
Birthday March 31, 2005
Active Years 2022–present
Age 18 (in 2023)
Zodiac Sign Aries
Height 182 cm (6 ft 0 in)
Weight n/a
Nationality Korean
Blood Type n/a

Mun Jung Hyun Facts:

– Jung Hyun was chosen by the members, along with Yunseo, as the one they would like to introduce to their sister. (Wow Studio)
– He would describe the album “Target: Me” as “the initial introduction to the public”. 
– Seungeon said that he is kind-hearted and he recognizes people’s strengths and offers relevant compliments. (The Seoul Story)
– He likes listening to songs, singing, eating delicious food, and reading novels in his spare time.
– He described himself as sweet and friendly. (Wow Studio)

– He can speak both Korean and English fluently.
His MBTI type is ESFJ.
– His specialty is Kpop dance. (Weekly Idol)

– He is a trainee under WAKEONE with EVNNE members, Park Han Bin, Park Ji Hoo, and Lee Jung Hyun.
Read more facts about Mun Jung Hyun

Streaming Platform Links
Genie | Bugs | Melon

7. Park Ji Hoo

Park Jihoo (EVNNE Members)
Park Jihoo
Stage Name Jihoo (지후)
Birth Name Park Ji Hoo
Position n/a
Birthday July 4, 2006
Active Years 2022–present
Age 17 (in 2023)
Zodiac Sign Cancer
Height 175 cm (5 ft 9 in)
Weight n/a
Nationality Korean
Blood Type n/a

Park Ji Hoo Facts:

– Ji Hoo was chosen to have the best style and fashion sense in the group. (The Seoul Story)
The feature he is most confident about is his eyes.
– He wants EVNNE to be remembered as an all-rounder group where every member excels in all positions.
– His comfort food after a long day is “Mulhoe” (Spicy raw fish soup) and he’s been eating it since 6th grade because he likes seafood. (After School Club)
– He gets inspired by Block B and wants to be like them. (FOX 13 Seattle)
He cannot speak English.
– He would describe the album “Target: Me” as “overflowing with powerful energy”.
His motto is “We will show you everything as much as we have prepared.”
His MBTI type is INFP.
– He described himself as a quiet person who likes being alone. (Wow Studio)
Read more facts about Park Ji Hoo

Streaming Platform Links
Genie | Bugs | Melon


1. How old are the EVNNE members? (oldest to youngest)

EVNNE members’ ages and birthdays are as follows:

– Keita was born on July 4, 2001, and is 23 years old.
– Park Hanbin was born on March 1, 2002, and is 23 years old.
– Lee Jeonghyeon was born on November 15, 2002, and is 22 years old.
– Yoo Seungeon was born on January 2, 2004, and is 21 years old.
– Ji Yunseo was born on October 15, 2004, and is 20 years old.
– Mun Junghyun was born on March 31, 2005, and is 19 years old.
– Park Jihoo was born on July 14, 2006, and is 18 years old.

2. How tall are the EVNNE members? (tallest to shortest)

EVNNE members’ heights are the following from tallest to shortest:

– Lee Jeonghyeon’s height is 183 cm (6’0″).
– Ji Yunseo’s height is 182 cm (5’11”).
– Mun Junghyun’s height is 182 cm (5’11”).
– Yoo Seungeon’s height is 179 cm (5’10”).
– Park Hanbin’s height is 175 cm (5’9″).
– Park Jihoo’s height is 175 cm (5’9″).
– Keita’s height is 170 cm (5’6″).

Lee Jeonghyeon is the tallest member of EVNNE and Keita is the shortest.

10. Where are the EVNNE members from? (ethnicity & nationality)

EVNNE members’ nationality & ethnicity are as follows:

– Keita is Japanese by ethnicity and nationality.
– Park Hanbin is South Korean by ethnicity and nationality.
– Lee Jeonghyeon is South Korean by ethnicity and nationality.
– Yoo Seungeon is South Korean by ethnicity and nationality.
– Ji Yunseo is South Korean by ethnicity and nationality.
– Mun Junghyun is South Korean by ethnicity and nationality.
– Park Jihoo is South Korean by ethnicity and nationality.

All EVNNE members are from South Korea except for Keita who is Japanese.

11. What are the official positions of EVNNE members?

EVNNE hasn’t announced official positions for any members except for the leader of the group.


Who is your bias wrecker in EVNNE?

NOTE: Which EVNNE member caught your eye first? Let us know your story in the comments down below!


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Lilian Chen

Yo! I'm Lilian, an Ahgase and a curious wordsmith on a never-ending quest for knowledge. Don't hesitate to spot any slip-ups in my work and feel free to reach out with additional facts & insights! ^^