Boy Groups

OMEGA X Members Profile & Facts

OMEGA X Members

OMEGA X (오메가엑스) is an eleven-member Kpop boy group under IPQ Entertainment. The group members consist of Jaehan, Hwichan, Sebin, Hangyeom, Taedong, Xen, Taedong, Kevin, Junghoon, Hyuk, and Yechan. They debuted on June 30, 2021, with the mini album “VAMOS”.

OMEGA X Profile

Debut June 30, 2021
Active Years 2021–present
OMEGA X Members Jaehan, Hwichan, Sebin, Hangyeom, Taedong, Xen, Jehyun, Kevin, Junghoon, Hyuk, Yechan
Genre Pop/ Dance
Status Active
Label IPQ Entertainment
Oldest Member Jaehan
Youngest Member Yechan
Former Member N/A
Fandom Name FOR X (프엑기)

OMEGA X Facts:

– The group’s name, OMEGA X, originates from the Greek word ‘omega’ which means ‘final’. The group aims to be the last man standing in the Kpop industry.
– All group members have previous industry experience as an idol or as contestants on survival shows.
– They made their Japanese debut with the mini album ‘Stand Up!’ in August 2022.
– The group was formerly under SPIRE Entertainment.
– Their fandom name, FOR X, translates to “poaegi” (for baby) in Korean.

Abuse By SPIRE Entertainment

Leaked Footage of Mistreatment by CEO Kang

– In October 2022, a leaked video made by a fan showed the CEO of Spire Entertainment physically and verbally abusing members of OMEGA X in a Los Angeles parking lot after their performance, leading to public outrage. (SBS 뉴스)
– The CEO named ‘Kang’ was heard saying derogatory remarks to the members like “Do you think losers like you could be loved by people?” and “Are you big? You didn’t come this far on your own.”
– The footage showed the group’s leader Jaehan collapsing to the ground due to panic with the CEO asking him to stand up remarking “Are you that exhausted? Kim Jaehan. If you’re always sick like this, stop being a singer.” She continued “Have you guys ever done [something] like this when I collapsed? Do you know how many times I collapsed? Stand up, Kim Jaehan.”
– The abuse and yelling continued as the members arrived at the hotel. Kang kept yelling and showing signs of jealousy with the members bond and was heard saying ‘Did you guys ever do this for me? For once did you take care of me when I was having a hard time?’.
– The footage showed the members visibly worried for Jaehan, telling her to stop while she scoffs saying he is ‘putting up a show’.
– Things escalated when she grabbed Jaehan’s collar in anger and he collapsed. Before the footage cuts, he can be seen crying as the members take him to the elevator.
– The uploader revealed that she was waiting for her Uber after the group’s performace when she witnessed the whole incident.

Other Reports of Abuse by CEO Kang

– After the world tour, OMEGA X members were left stranded in L.A in a petty move by the CEO after the spread of the rumor and they had to pay for tickets and ask help from family members to return home. Kang denied that they were deliberately left stranded in L.A. The record released showed that the members’ return tickets were canceled the morning of their flight back to Korea.
– Other reports of abuse soon followed online with a woman saying she saw Kang yelling at the members in their hotel during breakfast in Chile. Many others came forward affirming that the members suffered physical and verbal abuse in Chile, with Kang even threatening to take the food away for a member. Some members were seen crying and the police had to be called twice in the hotel due to commotion.
– More reports emerged, including forcing the group to perform despite testing positive for COVID-19, sexual assault and harassment and publicly crushing on the youngest member Yechan who was underage. It was also revealed that she frequently used to force OMEGA X members to drink late at night, even threatening to withhold their album if they refused.
– The members revealed that she used to text very late at night and would get extremely angry if they did not respond which fueled their panic and anxiety.

Public Outrage & SPIRE’s Statement

– The company denied accusations and released the statement that the ageny and the members became ‘worked up due to their emotions’ and they have resolved all misunderstandings.
– Kang claimed that the footage came from the management’s ‘Anti’ who is Hwichan’s fan and denied having ever abused the members, saying she even talks with honofics with them.
– After the footage leaked, former bandmates of OMEGA X members and friends spoke up for the group.
– Jaehan’s former bandmate from SPECTURM, Dongkyu, called out SPIRE on his instagram “You’re probably the ‘Anti.’ I won’t curse you out here since I’ve already done it a lot vocally. How dare you to my dongsaeng (younger brother). How dare someone like you.”
– Another former bandmate of Sebin from SNUPER, Taewoong posted the hashtag #ProtectOmegaX on his Instagram story.
– Soon after, fans started using the hashtag #ProtectOmegaX to call out SPIRE and bring the mistreatment to light.

Lawsuit & Departure from SPIRE

– The agency initially denied the abuse allegations but later issued apologies and the CEO Kang resigned.
– OMEGA X held a press conference and stated they would file a lawsuit against the CEO and also apply for contract termination.
– A Korean Youtuber Inji Wong got involved in the mix when he made a false allegation video against the group with members also pressing charges against him for slander.
– The group had went into hiatus in October 2022 and they returned after winning the lawsuit in January 2023 at the Hanteo Music Awards 2022.
– The group left SPIRE Entertainment in May 2023 after their contracts were finally terminated and joined IPQ Entertainment in July 2023.

Sexual Assualt Allegations

– In March 2024,  the group’s now former company SPIRE released a disturbing CCTV video accusing Hwichan of sexually assualting their then CEO Kang.
– Kang’s husband held a press conference claiming that he was even thinking of ‘committing suicide with her’ but realized that the ‘truth should come to light’. (통통컬처)
– The CCTV footage recorded on July 11, 2022, showed a man touching a woman “forcibly” while she sat on a chair.
– Reporters questioned as to why it wasn’t revealed earlier and also the CCTV was deleted and was only restored later which raised more concerns and suspicions. The reporters also asked if releasing such inappropriate footage was necessary to the public for the victim’s safety.
– He also said in the press conference that Kang has suffered abuse and trauma at the hands of the members and is in extreme mental distress due to it. He replied that there were ‘false’ accusations on Kang so they had to release the footage to bring out the ‘truth’.
– OMEGA X immediately came forward denying the accusations and later IPQ Entertainment revealed harrowing details of the entire incident that night with text and video proof.

Accusations Refuted by IPQ & OMEGA X members

– IPQ released text exchanges of July 11, where members were discussing at 2 am that the CEO wanted to wake up all the members to drink, with one member saying he’ll go on behalf of the group so they could all go to sleep.
– That night SPIRE claimed that Hwichan wanted to discuss his military enlistment with her separately but his draft notice was sent on August 1 so he hadn’t received his draft notice before the event and the claim turned out to be a lie.
– The members were called in to drink on the night of July 10 which went on July 11, was not because of listening to the group’s hardships as claimed by Kang, but were called to console her who was upset that the members weren’t grateful for her efforts.
– The members were forced to drink on multiple occasions and were often gaslighted and intimidated in fear that they would face difficulties promoting with the group if they refused.
– A text exchange that happened on March 14, 2022, also showed Kang texting “[Member name] is out, too, because you didn’t say you love me!” with an aggressive emoji (an angry duckman slamming his phone on a glass screen’. The member was forced to reply ‘I love you, CEO Kang’.

Truth Behind ‘Sexual Assualt’ Footage

– On the night of July 11, she insisted the members drink while they had gone to sleep so she then grabbed Hwichan on the pretext that she had something to discuss with him. She claimed it was him that initiated the meeting while OMEGA X’s previous manager said it was at the behest of Kang. The text exchanges between the group members also showed them discussing Hwichan’s meeting with Kang.
– Once Hwichan and Kang were alone, she requested him to touch her and he obliged out of fear of being abused. The footage claimed to be a ‘sexual assualt’ by Kang shows that the member is not aggressive or forceful and the former CEO is not showing any signs of resistance.
– After being coerced into touching her, Hwichan slept while being drunk and she snapped a photo of him and sent it to the managers, texting ‘This is driving me crazy. Let me try to wake him up and bring him with me.’ The manager offered to pick him up but she refused saying ‘That’s OK. I’ll take care of him, haha.’
– She continuned to yell at him to wake up, making inappropriate requests while he slept. He then ran away to the first floor in fear of being intimate with her, stumbling and fallng down the stairs. He couldn’t get up while she caught up to him and stepped on his head and danced in front of him.
– He, terrified, ran and hid in the first floor bathroom while she continued to chase him. The mental and physical distress continued until 5:45 am until Kevin and manager went to the label to pick him up because he hadn’t returned.
– They saw her taking a selfie in the lobby (which is uploaded on her FB) while he had locked himself in the bathroom.
– The members revealed that sexual, physical and verbal abuse was an everyday thing and also revealed more disturbing texts of Kang verbally abusing the group members.
– The public fully supported OMEGA X and lashed out at her accusation of being ‘sexually assulted’ by Hwichan.
– IPQ Entertainment released a statement asking to release the full footage of the happenings to show the incident in its entirety.

Major Works

– Their popular songs include ‘LOVE ME LIKE’, ‘VAMOS’ and ‘WHAT’S GOIN’ ON’.


– The group won the ‘Rookie of the Year’ at the Seoul Music Awards in 2022.

Website: OMEGA X JP
Instagram: omega_x_official | omegax__members | omega_x__for_x
Youtube: OMEGA X
Twitter: OmegaX_official | OmegaX_members  | OmegaX_JAPAN
TikTok: @omega_x_official
Fancafe: OMEGA X

Streaming Platform Links
Genie | Spotify | Bugs | Melon | Apple Music | Deezer

OMEGA X Members Profile

1. Jaehan

Jaehan (OMEGA X)
Stage Name Jaehan (재한)
Birth Name Kim Jae Han (김재한)
Position N/A
Birthday July 1, 1995
Active Years 2015–present
Age 29 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Cancer
Height 179 cm (5’10”)
Weight N/A
Nationality Korean
Blood Type A
Representative Emoji 🐱

Jaehan Facts:

– Jaehan won four medals from national Judo competitions. (Celeb Confirmed EP.3)
– He likes the feeling of chewing on ice.  
– He is the best in agyeo according to the members.  
– His favorite Omega X song is “Vamos.”
– He loves to visit his hometown Busan to relax.
– He would describe himself in 3 words: ‘Happiness’, ‘passion’, and ‘love.’
– Fans nicknamed him ‘Jyan’ which is a short and cute way of calling ‘Jaehan’.  (Kpopmap)

– He likes to challenge himself with different fashion styles rather than sticking to one.  
– He loved singing since he was young and felt proud when people listened to his music so wanted to be a singer.
– He would describe his sound as ‘Happy’, ‘hopeful’, and ‘comforting’.
– He hasn’t watched Naruto and One Piece.
– He gave his first audition to a company because his friend said that there was no main vocalist at their company. (KOREAN COWBOYS)
– He drinks decaf coffee to reduce his caffeine intake.
– He used to like blue but now his favorite color is green because it gives him comfort.
– He likes to watch a lot of reels and youtube shorts in his free time and often loses track of time because of it. (ITTABOOK)
– He is incharge of doing the dishes in the dorm. (Kstyle)
– He describes himself in the word ‘Meerkat’.
– He admires and is a fan of IU.
– His hands are really big and he said he used to have a very good grip and hand strength.
Read More Facts About Jaehan

Instagram: jaehan__k |
Twitter: kimjaehanee

Streaming Platform Links
Genie | Bugs | Melon | SoundCloud

2. Hwichan

Hwichan (OMEGA X)
Stage Name Hwichan (휘찬)
Birth Name Lee Hwi Chan (이휘찬)
Position N/A
Birthday April 18, 1996
Active Years 2017–present
Age 28 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Aries
Height 172 cm (5’7″)
Weight N/A
Nationality Korean
Blood Type B
Representative Emoji 🐰

Hwichan Facts:

– Hwichan thinks Hyuk will survive a zombie apocalypse because of his strong viability.
– He relieves his stress by getting a quick getaway somewhere.
– His favorite Omega X song is “OMEGA X.”
– He would describe himself in 3 words ‘Stylish, cute, handsome’.
– He describes himself in the word ‘Ajeossi’.
– He and Jaehan started going to the gym together.
– He loves to eat Lays chips as snacks because they are clean and not very expensive. He considers them a gift from god. (btsceleb)
– He wanted to be a singer since his childhood.
– He would describe his sound as ‘Oriole’, ‘R&B’, and ‘cool.’
– Hwichan takes the most naps in the group and sometimes passes out. (Seventeen)
– He used to hate pineapples on pizza but doesn’t anymore.
– He has a habit of saying ‘um,’ ‘uh,’ and ‘ah’ before his words.
– He likes to sleep in his free time.
– The best advice he has ever received is ‘A true carpenter is the one who builds the house of his heart well.’
Read More Facts about Hwichan


Streaming Platform Links
Genie | Bugs | Melon 

3. Sebin

Sebin (OMEGA X)
Stage Name Sebin (세빈)
Birth Name Jang Se Bin (장세빈)
Position N/A
Birthday April 24, 1996
Active Years 2015–present
Age 28 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Taurus
Height 181 cm (5’11”)
Weight 63 kg (139 lb)
Nationality Korean
Blood Type O
Representative Emoji 🐺

Sebin Facts:

– Sebin laughs very loudly like a seal and members often tease him for it. (Seventeen)
– He started liking anime when he was young after watching ‘Reborn!’.
– He specializes in cooking with eggs and is skilled in making, scrambled eggs, and ‘soft soft omelette.’
– His favorite time of the day is when he washes up and lies down on the bed.
– He thinks he will survive the longest in a zombie apocalypse. 
– Members think he is the sweetest in the group.
– He has a habit of putting his hands up in the air while dancing.
– He is a fan of TVXQ, especially Kim Junsu. (KOREAN COWBOYS)
– He likes to call or play games with members in his free time.
– Sebin was on the demonstration/performance team in Taekwondo and used to do a lot of flips and other stunts.
– He listens to Lauv whenever he takes a shower. (btsceleb)
– He describes himself in the word ‘Positivity’. 
– His favorite snack is red ginseng because he feels healthy eating it.
– He is often in charge of cooking and Taedong handles most of the cleaning duties.
– The best advice he has ever received is ‘You have to be crazy to succeed in life.’ (ITTABOOK)
– His childhood dreams included wanting to be a physical education teacher, dentist, hotelier, or model. 
– His favorite Omega X song is “Dry Flower.”
Read More Facts about Sebin

Instagram: __jang3bin__

Streaming Platform Links
Genie | Bugs | Melon  

4. Hangyeom

Hangyeom (OMEGA X)
Stage Name Hangyeom (송한겸)
Birth Name Song YeonGeun | Song Han Gyeom (송한겸)
Position N/A
Birthday July 17, 1996
Active Years 2017–present
Age 28 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Cancer
Height 176 cm (5’9″)
Weight 62 kg (137 lb)
Nationality Korean
Blood Type AB
Representative Emoji 🐶

 Hangyeom Facts:

–  Hangyeom often teaches the members dance and details on choreographies according to Hwichan. (Kstyle)
– His favorite time of the day is when he is playing badminton.
– He relieves his stress by sitting still and resting or working on a song.  
– He gets songwriting inspiration from his team.
– His favorite Omega X song is “Love.”
– He reads fan letters and postings on his off days to relax and also calls his parents.
– He introduces himself as a member ‘incharge of sexiness and coolness’.
– He likes streetwear for his fashion style.
– The best advice he has ever received is ‘Giving is living.’ (Naluda Magazine)
– Black is his favorite color.
– He likes his eyelashes and refers to himself as the “unofficial visual leader.”
– He prefers to have a bad boy image.
– He would describe himself in 3 words: ‘A Day’, ‘cool’, ‘passion’. 
– Hangyeom likes to play badminton and wants to participate in a competition. (Celeb Confirmed EP.1)
– His parents were against his wish to become a singer and wanted him to continue his education
– His favorite songs include “X” by Chris Brown and “Turn off Your Phone” by Jay Park.
– He loves to eat bread a lot.
– He considers GIRIBOY as his role model.
Read More Facts about Hangyeom

Instagram: 0_1_gyeom
TikTok: @gyeomhoon_ (With Junghoon)

Streaming Platform Links
Genie | Bugs | Melon | SoundCloud

5. Taedong

Taedong (OMEGA X
Stage Name Taedong (태동)
Birth Name Kim Tae Dong (김태동)
Position N/A
Birthday November 7, 1997
Active Years 2016–present
Age 27 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Scorpio
Height 177 cm (5’10”)
Weight N/A
Nationality Korean
Blood Type O
Representative Emoji 🦮

Taedong Facts:

– Members often say Taedong reminds them of the statue ‘Moai’. (Naluda Magazine)
– He considers EXO’s Kai and Baekhyun as his role models.
– His favorite Omega X song is “For Baby” because it’s lyrics are written by their fans.
– He catches up on his sleep and watches anime and Youtube videos on his off days.
– He introduces himself as ‘Taedong with clean dance moves’.
– Members picked him as the best cook in the group except for Sebin who said he once cooked aglio olio on V Live and it tasted like kimchi stew and tom yum soup.  (Seventeen)
– He would describe himself in 3 words: ‘Moai’, ‘Gap-God’ and ‘puppy’.
– His favorite Disney character is Beast from Beauty and the Beast. 
– He relieves his stress by going out for a walk without thinking.
– He is not afraid of insects and likes them. (Celeb Confirmed EP. 3)
– He loves strawberries and finds them refreshing. 
– He doesn’t believe in ghosts.
– He would describe his sound as ‘motorbike’, ‘sweet’, and ‘angelic’.
– He loves feeling the emotions that one can only feel at dawn.  (ITTABOOK)
– Taedong considers his biggest up-side his nose because alot of people compliment him on it.
– He is most afraid of crowds and hates getting swept away in it. 
– He describes himself in the word ‘puppy’.
Read More Facts about Taedong

Instagram: tae_____dong 

Streaming Platform Links
Genie | Bugs | Melon  

6. Xen

Stage Name Xen (젠)
Birth Name Lee Jin Woo (이진우)
Position N/A
Birthday February 20, 1998
Active Years 2018–present
Age 27 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Pisces
Height 172 cm (5’8″)
Weight N/A
Nationality Korean
Blood Type A
Representative Emoji 🐤

Xen Facts:

– Xen is a fan of movies related to dystopia and disasters. (Celeb Confirmed EP. 2)
– He loves to eat Clementines.
– He introduces himself as an ‘OMEGA X’s all-rounder’.
– Members picked him as someone who gives the best advice.
– He got inspired to make music by BIGBANG’s G-Dragon.  
– He was going through stress so he paid for an app that gives daily advice and quotes. He felt all the situations described there resonated with him so he often sends them in the members group chat. (Seventeen)
– He is good at ball sports.
– His favorite artists include  Zayn Malik, Jay Park, Crush, Justin Bieber.
– He describes himself in the word ‘Jalapeno marshmallows’. (btsceleb)
– He doesn’t have a favorite genre of books but he loves to read essays. 
– The best advice he has ever received is ‘You’re cool.’  
– Xen said he tries to watch one movie per day because he likes looking into a new world through movies. 
– His favorite color is white because it feels clean and clear. 
– He loves to travel to relax.
– He likes to read books, listen to music and watch Youtube videos in his free time.
– He has 8 piercings.
– He takes the longest to get ready according to the members.  (Seventeen)
– He would describe himself in 3 words as ‘Black & white’, ‘sensitive’, and ‘freedom’.
Read More Facts about Xen

Instagram: _xenuis | 2gane_u

Streaming Platform Links
Genie | Bugs | Melon | SoundCloud

7. Jehyun

Jehyun (OMEGA X)
Stage Name Jehyun (제현)
Birth Name Moon Je Hyun (문제현)
Position N/A
Birthday April 20, 1999
Active Years 2018–present
Age 25 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Taurus
Height 175 cm (5’9″)
Weight N/A
Nationality Korean
Blood Type O
Representative Emoji 🦊

Jehyun Facts:

– Jehyun is a 4th dan black belt in Taekwondo. (Celeb Confirmed EP. 2)
– He considers Taemin from SHINee and Rain as his role models.
– His favorite time of the day is early morning because of its quietness and coldness.
– He listens to Chris Brown and PrettyMuch the most among American artists. (btsceleb)
– He describes himself in the word ‘Rainbow’.
– He doesn’t like bell peppers and coffee.
– His favorite Omega X song is “Don’t” because it was his first time to participate in the songwriting process. 
– He introduces himself as ‘photographer of OMEGA X’.
– He would describe himself in 3 words ‘Chic sexy writer’.
– The best advice he has ever received is from his parents ‘It’s okay to take a break when you’re tired, but
don’t give up.” (Naluda Magazine)
– Jehyun loves fashion and styling.
– He is a fan of SHINee’s Taemin because of his dance and style and wants to be like him.
– He prefers winter because he thinks winter clothes are prettier.
– Jehyun and Xen were members of the group 1TEAM.
– He relieves his stress by lying in bed spacing out and doing nothing.  (ITTABOOK)
– He likes blue and green colours.
– He used to like the color blue since he was young but now likes it because of its cold feeling.
– He got inspired to become a singer when he saw Rain’s performance of ‘Rainsim’. (Kstyle)
– He would describe his sound as ‘serene’, ‘peaceful’, and ‘middle’.
Read More Facts about Jehyun

Instagram: pblm._.m

Streaming Platform Links
Genie | Bugs | Melon

8. Kevin

Kevin (OMEGA X)
Stage Name Kevin (케빈)
Birth Name Park Jin Woo (박진우)
Position N/A
Birthday January 12, 2000
Active Years 2019–present
Age 25 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Capricorn
Height 167 cm (5’6″)
Weight N/A
Nationality Korean
Blood Type O
Representative Emoji 🐣

Kevin Facts:

– Kevin is the shyest in the group according to the members.
– He admires the voice of DK from Seventeen.
– His favorite color is light green because he feels peaceful and cozy seeing it. 
– He relieves his stress by looking at the members and FOR X, being grateful to have good people around him. (ITTABOOK)
– He describes himself in the word ‘Friends’.
– His favorite snack is chocolate and likes the depth of the flavour. 
– He introduces himself as the member ‘incharge of cuteness and cheerfulness’ in the group.
– Members said Kevin is the first to arrive at practice. (Seventeen)
– He would choose the mountains over the beach.
– He likes to play games, solve puzzles, watch movies and take a walk in his free time.
– The best advice he has ever received is ‘Whatever you do, you’ll do great, so don’t be afraid and go for it.’ (Naluda Magazine)
– He prefers to be alone when he feels sad.
– He, Junghoon and Hyuk were members of the boy group ENOi.
– He wakes up earlier than other members. 
– He would describe his sound as ‘Bam badum’, ‘shazam’, and ‘swoosh’.
Read More Facts about Kevin

Streaming Platform Links
Genie | Bugs | Melon

9. Junghoon

Junghoon (OMEGA X)
Stage Name Junghoon (정훈)
Birth Name Han Jeong Hoon (한정훈)
Position N/A
Birthday February 14, 2000
Active Years 2019–present
Age 25 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Aquarius
Height 177 cm (5’10″)
Weight N/A
Nationality Korean
Blood Type AB
Representative Emoji 🐹

 Junghoon Facts:

– Junghoon is the fastest at learning choreographies in the group. (Seventeen)
– He wants to dye his hair baby pink or gray.
– Members think he would be the first member to get bitten in a zombie apocalypse.  
– His favorite color is red because it stands out and he believes a lot of good things happen to him when he uses red colored items.  (ITTABOOK)
– He likes to visit his family to relax. 
– He is a fan of the hip-hop genre.
– If he could swap bodies with one member for 24 hours, he’d like to live as Hyuk to know how it feels to have a good figure and be thin.  
– He likes to work on songs, watch Nexflix and visit the cafe in his free time.
– His favorite Omega X song is “Vamos.”
– He introduces himself as a member ‘incharge of performance and a little bit of conversing in English’ in the group. 
– Junghoon listens to NCT’s music a lot. (y!entertainment)
– He would describe himself in 3 words ‘Performer’, ‘all-rounded’, and ‘The red hair guy.’
– He likes many fashion styles and for practice, he likes to wear stylish dance clothes. 
– He loves to participate in Kpop dance challenges.  
– Members pick him and Taedong as the biggest foodie in the group. 
– He has travelled and lived in multiple countries due to his father’s business trips.
– He has a cheerful and passionate personality.
– He would describe his sound as ‘sexy’, ‘sweet’, ‘wonderful’.
– He gets sleepy if he doesn’t drink coffee. (btsceleb)
Read More Facts about Junghoon

Instagram: junghoon_214
TikTok: @gyeomhoon_ (With Hangyeom)

Streaming Platform Links
Genie | Bugs | Melon | SoundCloud

10. Hyuk

Hyuk (OMEGA X)
Stage Name Hyuk (혁)
Birth Name Yang Hyuk (양혁)
Position N/A
Birthday March 15, 2000
Active Years 2019–present
Age 25 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Pisces
Height 183.2 cm (6’0″)
Weight 65 kg (143 lbs)
Nationality Korean
Blood Type A
Representative Emoji 🐏

Hyuk Facts:

– Hyuk is considered the best in strength training in the group.
– He would describe his sound as ‘powerful’, ‘emotional’, and ‘acoustic’.
– He envies Sebin’s social skills and wants to be like him.
– He likes cooking. (Celeb Confirmed EP.1)
– He is one of the tallest members of the group.
– His favorite Omega X song is “Take’em All.”
– Members call Hyuk ‘In-Con’ which is a shorter way of saying ‘life of contents’. (Kpopmap)
– He would rather go 10 years back than 10 years into the future because he doesn’t want to be old.
– He considers EXO‘s Kai as his role model.
– Members think Hyuk would survive a zombie apocalypse because his survival instinct is strong. 
– He likes to vist the beach to relax and if he gets many days off, he likes to catch up on his sleep.
– He said his fashion style is neat and minimalist. (Naluda Magazine)
– He loves to eat ramen.
– The best advice he has ever received is ‘Don’t be afraid to fail.’ 
– Hyuk tends to forget the lyrics a lot. (Seventeen)
– He is skilled in playing the guitar.
– He describes himself in the word ‘family’.
– He is afraid of gaining weight but can eat a box of Mon cher cacao cakes in one sitting. (btsceleb)
Read More Facts about Hyuk

Instagram: hyuk.71

Streaming Platform Links
Genie | Bugs | Melon  

11. Yechan

Yechan (OMEGA X)
Stage Name Yechan (예찬)
Birth Name Shin Ye Chan (신예찬)
Position N/A
Birthday May 14, 2001
Active Years 2019–present
Age 23 (in 2025)
Zodiac Sign Taurus
Height 183 cm (6’0″)
Weight N/A
Nationality Korean
Blood Type A
Representative Emoji 🐨

Yechan Facts:

– Yechan doesn’t like going to restaurants or places that are really famous and likes places that not many people know about. (KOREAN COWBOYS)
– He shares the same birth name as LUCY‘s Yechan.
– He listens to podcasts before he sleeps.
– His favorite time of the day is right before he goes to bed.
– He started composing after listening to LANY. (btsceleb)
– He believes that black colored clothes suits the best on him.  
– He usually lies down watching videos of singing and watching short clips of dramas and movies in his free time. (ITTABOOK)
– He doesn’t snack but loves to drink latte after dance practice.  
– His favorite Omega X song is “Airplane.”
– Yechan started singing a lot of R&B after he became a trainee.
– His childhood dreams included wanting to be a scientist, professional shooter and fire fighter. (KOREAN COWBOYS)
– His favorite songs include Park Hyoshin‘s “Beautiful Tomorrow,” SHINee’s Jonghyun‘s “End of a Day,” and Jung Seunghwan‘s “The Snowman.”
– His favorite snack is sweet latte.  
– He relieves his stress by thinking about what he has done so far and what he can do well.
– He was a fan of Maroon 5 when he was younger. 
– He would describe himself in 3 words: ‘Music’, ‘love’, and ‘maknae.’ (Naluda Magazine)
Read More Facts about Yechan

Instagram: shin___yechan

Streaming Platform Links
Genie | Bugs | Melon  


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OMEGA X(오메가엑스) 'LOVE ME LIKE' Official MV:

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Lilian Chen

Yo! I'm Lilian, an Ahgase and a curious wordsmith on a never-ending quest for knowledge. Don't hesitate to spot any slip-ups in my work and feel free to reach out with additional facts & insights! ^^